Saturday, February 4, 2023


 Every person has their own unique way to express their love to their loved ones.
Also every love story has a different starting & endings. Every relationship teaches us 
a lot. Nobody is perfect, but the way we ignore each other’s insecurities and together 
form a bond to cherish for lifetime is mesmerizing. A relationship consists of so 
many things, the very popular ones are here 
Trust is the base or root of a relationship. The more the trust, the healthier is the 
relationship. Being honest and loyal is the key to achieve trust. A relationship with 
trust is never likely to break apart since both of the partners can rely on each other. 
This will lead to better lifestyles and help both of them develop among themselves & 
concentrate on their own busy life without any tensions among them.
Of course, it’s important to understand. Understanding among each other makes the 
relationship more convenient and rational. Less understanding causes unwanted 
tensions among two people as they struggle to understand each other’s need. Many 
misunderstanding & other relationship related issues might arrive. The partners will 
understand each other’s boundaries or limits & avoid doing things that might risk the 
relationship. A person goes through so many things through his lifetime. Not 
everyone grew with same surrounding. The perception and perspective of every 
person is different. Understanding the things related to what the partner is going 
through & what might irritate her makes the relationship for both the party very 
We all are familiar with “opposite attracts more”, but there are certain fields where 
the compatibility between two people should be average. For instance if a person 
hates gym, the person is not likely to fall for a gym trainer. And dating someone 
whose profession or certain things are hated will make the relationship go chaotic in 
the end. Good compatibility among two people makes the environment around 
them peaceful & healthy automatically.
Respect is one of the most important factor for a healthy and loving relationship. 
Respecting not only physically but also respecting the other person’s decision. Two 
person respecting each other will lead to no domination. There will be equality in 
their relationship. This will also help both of the partners to take right steps since no 
one is overpowering, they are taking each other’s consent & taking a decision.
Respecting each other’s decision about social as well as personal life. Due to this, the 
partners are unlikely to become toxic. Since they respect each other, they will not do 
something that might hurt or disrespect the partner or partner’s reputation. 
Although we generally are affectionate and kind towards the person we love but then 
therefore sometimes expressing with little extra care & kindness through body 
language and cute gestures will make the other partner feel loved. Loving is easier 
than making the other partner feel loved since different people have different love 
languages. A little help & sweet gestures will make the other person in relationship 
feel motivated and positive about their relationship.
Letting the person know what we think or feel about themselves is really important. 
A good communication without any community barrier leads to smooth 
relationship. Both of the party explore and understanding each other more through 
it. They become comfortable with each others. Communication not only regarding 
personal life, but about social life, friends and family, the knowledge of partner’s 
surrounding and life is very important to get an idea about partner’s life. After all it’s 
us for the rest of the lives to spend, it’s necessary to know about principles & 
philosophy about the partner.
Efforts are very necessary to make a relationship work. Both the partners must give 
efforts so that the love between them keeps on blooming. Lack of efforts makes the 
environment dull. Both the partners think they are taken as granted. To avoid such 
toxic conditions genuine efforts are important. The partner should try to develop by 
rectifying their flaws and grow together with the partner. The will to make the 
partner happy no matter what is very needed. A little love notes or love letters, rose 
bouquet or scented candles and other such things might not cost that much but gifting them or surprising them gives immense pleasure to partner and keeps the 
charm among them. 
Two person who are genuinely in love with each other develop all these qualities 
gradually and successfully set an example of a perfect and healthy relationship.
Trust, understanding, kindness, communication and efforts should not only be 
among couples in love but also among other relationship like that of parents and 
children or teacher and student. Being positive about the relationship is also 
important. Don’t think about how much years it would last. Go with the flow with 
emotions certainly the relationship would workout if it’s meant to be with all the qualities discussed above-mentioned.

~ Exclusively written by Prachi Bera

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Independent India – Self reliance with Integrity

 For about two hundred years the British ruled over India. The Indian National Congress struggled hard against British Government to make India free. Many young men sacrificed their lives to gain the freedom of their motherland.

                At last on 15th August 1947, our country became independent from slavery of British. India's development journey over the last 75 years has been marked by significant milestones and reforms that enabled it to achieve substantial progress in many areas including economic levels, literacy, life expectancy etc. Along with these many dreams and schemes has been raised for the further development of India like Digital India, Aatmanirbhar bharat or Self reliant India, etc.

                            In the last few years, India has moved towards making this country a Self Reliant Nation, with the aim of eliminating its dependence on foreign countries in almost every field.  Self-Reliant India Campaign is the vision of new India envisaged by the Hon'ble Prime minister Shri Narendra Modi. The aim is to make country and its citizens independent and self reliant in all senses. We can say that “self-reliance is the only road to true freedom and being one's own person is its ultimate reward.”

                           Even after so many years of freedom, many parts of our country still lag behind, following old practices related to gender discrimination and caste divisions. These hold us back from attaining development and our goals.

We need to change our mind-set and focus on our duties and responsibilities individually for being Self-Reliant with Integrity. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles is what Integrity stands for.

                            If the government and people do their duties honestly and make use of our resources with integrity, our country will soon be prosperous and become one of the powerful countries in world. There is need to promote the culture of honesty and integrity for the bright and Self Reliant Nation we are dreaming for India.

“Self Reliance with integrity begins with us,
To make India Vigilant and prosperous"


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

जीवन में साहित्य का प्रभाव

 जीवन के प्रवाह के साथ, हमने हजारों नई कहानियाँ और कविताएँ पढ़ी हैं। प्रत्येक कविता या कहानी अलग अलग शिक्षा देता है। वो चाहे पंचतंत्र की कहानी हो या फिर प्रेमचंद की, प्रत्येक पाठ से नई सीख मिलती है जो आगे चलकर जीवन में काम आते हैं। फिर वो चाही कहानी हो या कविता, केवल सारांश जनना काफी नहीं है, कहानी से जुरे नैतिक मूल्यों को सीखना, और जीवन में उनका प्रयोग करना बहूत ज़रूरी है।
साहित्य का अध्ययन करना शब्दावली, लेखन और बोलने के कौशल में सुधार करने का सबसे आसान तरीका है। यह हमारी शब्दावली और संचार कौशल को भी बढ़ाता है। 
साहित्य हमें अपने बारे में सिखाता है। चूँकि लोग वैसा ही सोचते और महसूस करते हैं, जैसा वे सौ साल पहले करते थे, अतीत के पात्रों और कहानियों से सीखे गए सबक आज भी जीवन पर लागू होते हैं। साहित्य मानवीय प्रतिक्रियाओं से भरा है जो हमें मानव हृदय की प्रकृति और स्थिति को समझने में मदद करता है। 
साहित्य ज्ञान और विश्वदृष्टि हासिल करने में मदद करता है। साहित्य समाज का दर्पण है। अच्छाई और बुराई, अन्याय और उसके परिणाम सभी हमें समाज में बदलाव लाने की चुनौती देते हैं। 
साहित्य हमें सामुदायिक गौरव और अन्य संस्कृतियों के प्रति सम्मान विकसित करने में भी मदद करता है।
हालांकि हम एक तकनीकी युग में रहते हैं, साहित्य की किताबें पढ़ना अभी भी मजेदार है। साहित्य में पात्र, कहानियां और भाषा दिमाग को संलग्न करती है, ख़ाली समय का उपयोग करने में मदद करती है, और एक अच्छा इंसान बनने में सहायता करती है।

"साहित्यसंगीतकला विहीन: साक्षात् पशुः पुच्छविषाणहीनः ।" - भर्तृहरि
(साहित्य संगीत और कला से हीन पुरूष साक्षात् पशु ही है जिसके पूँछ और् सींग नहीं हैं ।)

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Yoga: A Source Of Happiness

Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to unite'. Yoga's origins can be traced to northern India over 5,000 years ago. The word Yoga was first mentioned in ancient sacred texts called the Rig Veda. It is one of the most oldest physical disciplines in the world. 

Yoga was originally practiced as a form of healing. Yoga's incorporation of medication and breathing can help improve a person's mental well being. Regular yoga practice create mental clarity and calmness, increases body awareness, relieves chronic stress patterns, relaxes the mind, centers attention and sharpens concentration. Nowadays where most people suffer from Headaches and Migrains, Yoga can help in the treatment of such problems. Having allopathic medicine can cause many side effects whereas Yoga helps to be fit and fine and even cures many diseases itself. 

In this generation where stress, anxiety is common to everyone including children, Yoga can be very beneficial. Research has shown that the ability to become aware of and regulate the breathe is key in terms of lowering stress and anchoring oneself in the moment, both of which are needed to feel happier. Yoga strengthens the brain-body connection where the body sends messages to the brain that makes it feel strong and positive. Real biochemical changes created through Yoga practice support better physical and mental health. Practicing Yoga poses may positively affect the vagal tone, making us feel more satisfied and happy.

So it is important to include Yoga in daily life as it helps in controlling a person's body, mind and soul. And together it brings the physical and mental discipline which is better for mind and happy living. Yoga also helps for a sound and complete sleep. Having so many benefits of Yoga, it's a source of happiness and healthy life. A healthy life means a happy life which can be achieved through Yoga.

"Yoga adds Years to our Life and Life to our Years.."

Saturday, June 12, 2021

How Lockdown Affected Extroverts and Introverts

Lockdown has affected our lives so much. Every one of us has its impact on us. Well today's topic is specifically about how lockdown has affected Introverts and Extroverts.

Nowadays people explain their personality by the terms ‘Introverts’, ‘Extroverts’ or ‘Ambiverts’,

But the fun fact is, with my observation I gotta know that this lockdown, created kind of personality change in human being. I am not talking about everyone but through my observation I concluded this. Now the fact is how.

So as we know during this lockdown many people started being active in their social accounts. Making various contents. Either its instagram or Youtube or any other social media people got more active.This is also the reason why some content creators got more support and became more popular. More the number of people using social media, more the number of followers.

Many people who used to be Introverts back then, who used to get afraid even talking to strangers now handling social accounts with large number of followers. And yes, it took them just a year only. Now they are creating many contents, for brands or individuals, but they are comfortable sharing pictures with so many people many of them who might be strangers. This shows what? A personality development of course!

Similarly many people who were extroverts, having lot of people as friends, connections and hanging out was a common thing to them, now changed. One of my friend says” I don’t like this world no more. People seems so fake. I used to have so many friends. But it seems in lockdown they changed. They are no more my friends.” She is happy with whosoever she has now with her. Making her slightly less extrovert causing personality change.

Such changes are very common to teens now in lockdown. Some extroverts being introverts and some introverts being extrovert is affecting their personality due to which affecting their relationships with others too.

What do you think you people have changed into? Let me know the comments!

Welcome Readers To My Blog!

Hello everyone!
Prachi this side. 
Welcome to my world where you can explore so much through my perspective of life.
You all can find numerous Articles in my blog itself! Here everything you see is written on my own, and I hope they will help you!
Writing is one of my personal favorite hobby to do. I always wanted to connect with my readers and see! I am here to share all of my works with you.
Feel free to explore!


Welcome Readers To My Blog!

Hello everyone! Prachi this side.  Welcome to my world where you can explore so much through my perspective of life. You all can find numero...